這個沒有意義的奇妙世界|有什麼意義?This meaningless wonderful world|What is the meaning?

這個沒有意義的奇妙世界|有什麼意義?This meaningless wonderful world|What is the meaning?

以倫敦為據點的藝術家賽巴斯汀 · 休默頓正在白石畫廊銀座新館舉辦他在日本的首次個展。休默頓運用了多種表現手法和創作形式,包括陶藝,繪畫,映像裝置藝術等等。他的展覽名為“What’s the point?” (意義是什麼?),將人類的基本性質以及與互聯網這個龐大的信息平台的關係納入他的作品中。

In this exhibition, the artist, who has previously expressed a sense of weariness with the consequences of rapid technological progress, deals with the proliferation of information and images in contemporary society. Their new quest is to explore the visual language of the internet through painting.
The exhibited works have a large number of themes taken from manga, anime, games and movies. Sandwiched between art history and contemporary culture, memes are modern still lifes that reflect the information-rich Internet age.

Humerton: I wanted to create a nonsensical exhibition that reflected the oversaturated web of images and information around the world. I cut and paste seemingly unrelated themes and things onto the canvas, encouraging viewers to create new meanings of their own by connecting the dots of my paintings, and drawing inspiration from these reference points that they may or may not know.

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